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James Bond: You Only Live Twice (1967)(858)Star Trek: Discovery (2017) - S01E15 Will You Take My Hand?(709)The Last of Us (2023) - S01E04 Please Hold on to My Hand(562)Thor: Love and Thunder(453)Live Free or Die Hard (2007)(445)Snakes On A Plane(382)My Fellow Americans (1996)(371)Pirates of the Caribbean On Stranger Tides (2011)(359)James Bond: On Her Majesty's Secret Service (1969)(328)My Little Pony: The Movie (2017)(280)James Bond: The Living Daylights (1987)(268)James Bond: Live and Let Die (1973)(259)James Bond: The Spy Who Loved Me (1977)(240)Doctor Who (2005) - S08E08 Mummy on the Orient Express(232)Star Trek: Discovery (2017) - S01E07 Magic to Make the Sanest Man Go Mad(221)Star Trek: Discovery (2017) - S04E03 Choose to Live(206)Doctor Who (2005) - S02E10 Love & Monsters(198)Doctor Who (2005) - S07E02 Dinosaurs on a Spaceship(188)Lost in Space (2018) - S03E07 Contingencies on Contingencies(173)Sliders (1995) - S01E04 Summer of Love(172)