Tasty Mystery Baskets of Clips
just that his condition was mental, not physical.
Sammy's wife was crippled by the cost of supporting him...
He's a bad cop. He's the one that checked you into the Discount Inn.
Come on. Proceeds are going to charity. Help me out.
- You, probably. - No, it wasn't me. See, it was you.
He said you were staying at the Discount.
Yo, Lenny! I thought you split for good.
but he really had no system.
Did you lose your pen?
Hi, Teddy.
When I looked into his eyes, I thought I saw recognition.
Right. You said you like to look people in the eye when you talk to them.
- I should kill you. - Quit it. Lenny, come on.
He was to you.
See, he took the dead man's gun, he replaced it with the sap that he hit me with.
This'll do.
I have to believe that when my eyes are closed...
See, certainties. It’s the kind of Memory you take for granted.
He's gotta have a car, right?
- Hello? - Shit.
- I didn't sell insurance. I investigated it. - Right. You're an investigator.
- How do I know he did that to your face? - Because I came straight to you after he did it.
Natalie, right? Who the fuck is Dodd?
I know what that's gonna sound like when I knock on it.
He could only remember things for a couple of minutes.
- Forty. - Forty.
Sammy, it's okay. I got it. I got it.
- Maybe you should start investigating yourself. - Thank you for the advice.
He said "Sammy." How does he know about Sammy?
I'm sorry.
- Is it Officer or Lieutenant Gammell? - You know what?
- It's a test, Sammy. - Test this, you fucking quack.
- Why? What's wrong with this one? - Nothing. You want to trade?
even if you don't want to.
What did we talk about? Oh, Sammy Jankis.
But his face on his driver's license looked really familiar.
Look how happy you are
I'm not too good on the phone. I need to look people in the eye when I talk to them.
His name's Teddy?
I don't know. Something bad, maybe.
The other day you mentioned that maybe somebody was trying to set you up...
- Something to remember you by. - My name is Natalie.
Must be tough living your life according to a couple of scraps of paper.
Now I know. You fake it.
Gonna write down exactly what happened. Come on.
I was the only guy who disagreed with the facts, and I had brain damage.
- Who is he? - Calm down. Okay?
Ask him.
He writes messages on the back of these.
Give me your keys.
"Dodd. White guy.
I never said that Sammy was faking.
like I told you before.
Okay. What am I doing?
Will you help me find the keys?
- Who did he go to meet? - A guy called Teddy.
I thought so too. In fact, I was sure of it, but you didn't!
Okay. You're okay.
Sammy... It's time for my shot
- Don't see my key anywhere. - Shit.
My boyfriend told me about you.
and turned you into a fucking retard!
You don't know anything.
Do you mind taking your glasses off? It's hard for me to...
- Hey, Lenny, how you doing? - It's private back here.
- When was I in here? - Last week.
Then she'd stop feeding him to see if his hunger...
It's him.
Ow! Lenny! That shit kills!
I want you to forget the company you work for for 30 seconds...
He's got some score in mind. Somehow you're involved.
Great story. Gets better every time you tell it.
- Who? - Johnny G., the guy you're looking for.
No, really. Memory's not perfect. It's not even that good.
I think he's been in the bar, maybe.
You really need a system if you're gonna make it work.
- A car this nice you should lock. - Who the fuck are you?
- It's pretty weird. - It's useful.
Where you put your notes... That also becomes important.
But when you killed him, I was so convinced that you'd remember.
So, if I seem a little strange or rude or something...
Yeah. I'm gonna write that down.
- Smile. - Not here.
Here. Sit down.
It was your wife who had diabetes.
You're in the lobby? What do you look like?
It's backwards.
Somebody'll recognize it!
It's just a permanent way of keeping a note.
When you don't have any control over your own subjective truth
They kept testing Sammy for months...
Sit down, okay? Sit.
She looks into his eyes and sees the same person.
get you to kill the wrong guy.
The Discount Inn. 304.