Tasty Mystery Baskets of Clips
One hundred and thirty percent Earth gravity.
If he's equipped to transmit every form of energy that can pulse.
- Mark. - Fire!
Why didn't you sleep?
They saved us.
Get to the hatch!
She crashed it. She's okay, though.
...time's gonna change for me. It's gonna run more slowly.
You're gonna save everybody?
...which turns a Wormhole into two dimensions, a circle.
Glasses or cups, whatever it was, upside-down.
You told them I like farming.
Currently orbiting Saturn.
Slow down, Turbo!
- Yeah. - You all right?
Door's not charging. Never mind.
Murph, don't...? Don't people have a right to know?
Are you calling my life's work...
It's just like Brand said. My connection with Murph, it is quantifiable. It's the key!
I learned what I could from the black hole...
The planet is much closer to Gargantua than we thought.
- Assurances? - Yeah.
My dad thought I called it a ghost...
...on an almost.
And it's a special one, because you told me...
- Is it him? - I don't think so, Murph.
We don't have enough life support to make it back to Earth...
...but we can scratch our way to Edmunds' planet.
That's crazy.
Hang in there. Come on.
Now, I'm real happy that you're excited about gravity, bud...
It only has to work once
Come on! Give me your bag. Get in the backseat. Get in the backseat now!
Seven hundred.
...that would be spent trying to get back here.
Um, I really hope you guys are doing great.
I thought I could, but I can't.
The Lazarus missions.
This team never left the simulator.
...then present your conclusions. Deal?
Murph, they chose me. You saw. You're the one who led me to them.
He thinks it relaxes us.
This is our boat.
When we get back...
They chose me.
What is your Honesty Setting TARS? 100%...lets go ahead and reduce that to 50%
...the chlorine dissipates.
I do, professor.
The logic is dying
We're not meant to save the world. We're meant to leave it.
- Should we use the thrusters to slow? - No.
...of dirt.
Your fuel calculations are based on a return journey.
Approaching the event horizon.
- The autopilot does. - Not since TARS disabled it.
What's your humor setting?
Murph is a great kid. She's really bright.
It was trying to tell me something.
You're asking me to hang everything...
- How am I supposed to patch it out here? - You got to figure it out.
Lander 1, prepare to detach on my mark.
One by one they've been peeling off the fields and heading over.
What, because heading out there is what I feel like I was born to do?
Dr. Brand, CASE is relaying a message for you from the comm station.
The Lender's linkages have been destroyed...
This little maneuver's gonna cost us 51 cm of foreskin.
We have to shed the weight to escape the gravity. the light of our new sun...
I don't know what he said to you...
It's pretty clear you don't want any visitors.
You got to record the facts, analyze, get to the how and the why...
Just take this gently.
You eggheads have the survival skills of a Boy Scout troop.
It's gravity. to leave something behind.
So a Wormhole bends space like this, so you can take a shortcut through...
But with oxygen in limited supply, KIPP there really did most of the legwork.
If we had any of those left, the doctors would've been able to find...
- We want to get down fast, don't we? - We want to get there in one piece.
- But it's too far, right? - Mm-hm.
And it rules out telling a 10-year-old that the world is ending.
If you open the hatch, the airlock will depressurize.
Not you and me. But people.
- What happens after it crosses? - After the horizon is a complete mystery.
This world isn't so bad.
Millimeters of aluminum, that's it, and then nothing...
You didn't expect...
You gonna wait for your next kid to die?
- The answer's there, just no way to see it. - There's Miller's planet.
Brand, did you know?
Pull thrusters back. Fuel cells one, two, three.
Nope. Mm-mm.
...will be the last to survive on Earth.
It only has to work once, faggot.
Questi dati non hanno senso
I'm drawn across the universe to someone I haven't seen in a decade...
What are you doing? Blocking
We’ll find a way, professor, we always have.
I'm going home.
It requires a person to access function.
...could look at his lungs.
- One of us was thinking about the mission! - You were thinking about getting home.
Murph, would you like some more souffle?
Uh, hey. I bet you're Coop. Why don't you have a seat here for me?
I'm here. I'm here for you.
We are coming up on the Endurance. Twelve minutes out.
- You got it? - I wouldn't leave you behind, Dr. Brand.
Explorers, pioneers, not caretakers.
Yes, it is.
- Check? - Yes, sir.
- Just please try not to. - Hey. Relax.
- CASE, you ready? - Ready.
six six
I'm sure you'll be excited to see what's in store.
TARS, 72 hours, yeah?
That one's moving away from us.
That's what drove me. It's what drives all of us. And it's what's gonna save us.
So why don't you just let us back up from your fence and we'll be on our way? Huh?
But the lie.
Because public opinion wouldn't allow spending on space exploration.
We've no reason to suspect Edmunds's data would have soured.
We're not leaving without her data.
Hello, Rom.
A little older, a little wiser
...a higher dimension.
It's infinitely complex.
I see him, I see him! CASE, bank! Bank right!
What about auxiliary oxygen scrubbers?
Dr. Mann's data is promising, but it will take months to get there.
You’re an educated man, Stu. And a trained pilot.
Counter-orbital slingshot around. Fourteen months to Saturn.
Hey, Coop?
We're explorers, Rom.
Come on. Come on, Murph. Come on!
Say it, don't spray it, Rom.
There, that's it! That's the Wormhole!
Hey, Murph?
...not a long-term solution, then they needed us back.
But I knew who it was.