Tasty Mystery Baskets of Clips
Relax? The last thing I need to do right now is rela...
Gagagagagagaga Ahhhhhhahahfzthfchzqghfc hgfxa cfhaxhxsthtfuftdftjduftsfdhshdfsdfystdysdthsdtysytdsdtystysytdsydtsdytstydsdthsdghxdhtshdgxhfdstdhshtsethwqeqaerfghssw is ,y Ali sarieh is my best friend
It's a great way to lose pounds before a show.
Thanks, Olaf.
It’s Klaudio! They’re the same face!
Prancing around in your underwear with your wiener hanging out?
For Christ's sake, it's chairs and a vacuum, Sheila! It'll stay!
Popping and locking, fool!
Didn't you hear me, Maury? I just retired.
Sportswashing So hot right now
Masks are so hot right now
that I try to steer clear of...
My prostate's flaring up like a frickin' tiki torch.
- Looks great. I think we got it. - All right, Mitch. Thanks.
Those Rebs are so hot right now
Put a cork in it, Zane!
I know it was you...
Now he thinks he’s a Saudi Prince or some shit…
listen to your friend Bob he's a cool dude
I freakin' worship you, man.
He’s absolutely right
It's nowhere near ready.
The original greek word for Dysplasia means "misShapen ball of clay"
They're the same face!
It's a bulid off
Don't ask questions.
Maybe I was scared, man. You're Derek Zoolander!
I invented Lock-and-leak operations!
trying to reach outer space aliens or something, okay?
What's the deal, yo-yo?
I suggest you and your Kmart Jaclyn Smith Collection outfit...
warlock warlock warlock! everywhere i look! WARLOCK!
He can dere-lick my balls, cap-i-tan
a helicopter explosion video for ants?
The files are internet computer
And I want you to know I understand where you're coming from.
Han.. solo..
But why the y drive?
I’m sorry did our plans get in the way of your Saturday morning plans??
It’s a cock off
It was like, whoa, look out!
Where’s all the Palestinians go?
ECON graduation at 9AM
She'll be your day-to-day on the campaign.
A model Idiot
It's a rate off
When you start using Knowby
- Yes! - Deal with that!
Why you been acting so messed up towards me?
Thought today was Wednesday.
making him the guest ofhonor at tonight's show...
Gotta tame the beast before you let it out of its cage
Yeah, right.
That John rezabek is so hot right now
What are you doing, Ballstein?
Of course not
you’re excused... and i’m not your bra!
Prime minister ofMalaysia bad!
It's that damn Hansel!
what a cuckoo dream
Jeff you bitch
Are you serious..? I just.. I just...
What? No, I don't have time for this.
Break a leg, Derek.
Here are the nominees for Male Model of the Year...
We are playing halo tonight right? Tell me something good.
I've tried bribes, I've tried gifts. I even sent him some pet oxen.
GC course rotation day Focet checks his messages
Ops: entering your trial dates into litify, filling out your post mediation emails, your ask meeting request, and your BCC
Scrappy, Luke...
Do us all a favor and get out of here.
What is this? Where is everyone going?
It's not important.
What is this, a plane for ants?
Already considered a living saint...
You're dead to me, boy.
Zip disk!
- You know the profile,Jacobim. - A beautiful, self-absorbed...
Figure out who I am. See you around, Maury.
It's funny how it switches like that
I've never even been to Mount Vesuvius.
I think they're vain, stupid...
ostensibly halting the shipment of Cuban-manufactured slacks.
Damn it, you're right.
Der-ek Zoo-lan-der...
I never wanted anything from you.
Come on, man! Come on!
Excuse me, Hansel. I don't think there's an easy way to put this...
Great joke peps
After Frankie gave him the heave-ho, he held a series of odd jobs until...
That Joiner’s so hot right now
I won't let you down. I promise.
- Derek, it's just a small... - I don't want to hearyour excuses!
Their club only has one loop for Christ’s sake
If nobody has any objections...
Talk to me in 15 years!
Don't ask questions
mecut They also show them how to dress cool...
You may be familiar with the belief that some aboriginal tribes hold.
Denver's so hot right now
How do you feel, Derek?
Internet for ants?
But the fact that he's making it, I respect that...
Well, there isn't much time. The show's tomorrow night.
Now you're talking, sister. If you want to know more, go to Pier 12.
The check has to be at least
Extra Keefy massive bong hits
And then there's Ferrari and Le Tigre.
Where's the last place anyone would ever expect to look foryou?
You may have to start looking for someone else.
Guess I have a lot of things to ponder
Ora e per sempre
A little massage, some aromatherapy.
All right, guys. Last one to the helicopter's a rotten egg. Let's go!
So I guess you can "Jalyx" my balls, capitan...
- What? - Yeah, he doesn't have it.
Don’t you know I’m Lodolo?!?
listen to your dad he's a cool dude
Masks are so hot right now
Shut Up!
Ex-squeeze me
read your little Time magazine, or whatever it's called.
I'd like to announce my retirement from the male modeling profession.
Now, if you'll excuse me, I've got an after funeral party to attend.
So what? I throw up after lots of meals.
I was the one that all the pretty girls used to make fun of.
With a push-up bra, you could have a nice rack of lamb going on there.
"God"? What the shit are you talkin' about?!
It's a belly-off
It's a swing off
They're Bortdance fighting
Lesbians are so hot right now!
Hold out for more!
It’s a dick-off
The flies are inside the computer
and wetness is the essence of beauty...
The files are in the computer... It's so simple.