Tasty Mystery Baskets of Clips
#1: SpongeBob SquarePants
Symphony of crackle. Only great bread sound this way.
I found a mushroom.
I'll have your guts out!
(Luca) (Shrek) (Shark Tale) (Toy Story) (
Just pull out an old McDonald's recipe,
#29 Barney
Chef Gusteau in the restaurant
I have a special on potions today. A potion to protect you from the demons. Only three cacao beans. Thanks. Enjoy.
The boy knows!
EAT PUMPKIN SPICE LAAAAAAAAA- piracy is no clone! this dvd of clone high: season 2 is pirated. please eject your dvd and buy a real copy, or else giant joan will get you! go to for more info.
- What did the customer say? - It was not a customer. it was a critic.
Wario, Mario, Luigi, and Waluigi Stay Up Past Bedtime and Die in a House Fire. Wario Dies Again.
ratatoullie Sound Design re-make
leclaire. what did she say she likes the soup
Please Stay Tuned
Keep your station clean...
- Did you work in a lab with rats? - No.
The Health Inspector is first seen doing some paperwork, look disinterested, before answering a phone call given to him by Skinner. Skinner called the health inspector on a public phone outside Gusteau's to report a rat infestation.
Which means clean. You know, cleanliness is close to...
#1 my favorite cartoons is may shock you because not a lot of people consider this cartoons i actually thought it was really good: Spongebob Squarepants
#19 is Star Wars
- I am dead! - Can you guys shut up?
what's even more amusing is that gusteau actually seems to believe it. i, on the other hand, take cooking seriously. and, no, i don't think anyone can do it.
Seize that rat
Christmas! All the Christmas have gone mad! Merry Christmas! Aaah! Get it out! Smack her in the Tree! Go, Santa, go! Christmas in my christmas tree! To the rescue!
Ice, have you drawn quartered. I.i.i.
Linguini and Colette ❤️
#23 The SpongeBob Squarepants Movie
Sa da cwasas! Ha!
people will be disappointed.
Romanians BOGOF Night at PP
- I have a ra... - You have a rash?
So this is when the old lady gets the gun to shot Remy and Emile. So that's when she tries to shot Remy and Emile.
Oh Does This Evening Casino
(CLICKING) (GASPS) (GROANS) - Help, Remy, help! - Emile! Start swinging the light!
Well at least Lucius is the owner of the bonus bean room. Yes Ron at least we heard back we could've found out more... but we're already late for Divination! This way. Password? Bat Wings and Moonshine. It's good to see you again Harry.
Should I be concerned about this?
Am I seeing things, am I crazy? is there a phantom Remy or is there not?
Whoa! Well, because you...
Hello. My name is Linguini.
OUR REUPTATIOB IS Having By a Bread As It Is.
and slips a hand into her bag for a canister of mace. Remy desperately makes Linguini fall onto Colette to prevent him from talking further and the two kiss. Colette is equally surprised as Linguini but quickly falls in love, dropping the mace.
Gusteau had no Children, I want the timing all of this?
However, Colette, the staff's only female chef, convinces Skinner to retain Linguini, believing him to be behind the success of the soup. Also, she reminds Skinner of Gusteau's motto and that if he was to be fired after LeClaire writes the review about it, the restaurant would lose their reputation.
and I don't know when I'll find food again.
Which scared the Sheep out of their pen
L'ecso - főzési tanácsok
How dare you cookie in my kitchen?
I mean, I'm not ambitious. I wasn't trying to cook.
I would've followed your advice to the ends of the earth.
This is one of my favorite Kids Movies is Flushed Away, one of my favorite kids movies My favorite Movie Entertainment is on Dreamworks Animations
Then what was all the flipping and all the throwing the...
The only way to get the best produce is to have first pick of the day
"Plan" is a song sung by Remy. (Patton Oswalt) and Emile (Peter Sohn) at the end of the Pixar short, Your Friend Rat. It encourages the viewers to see rats in a different way, and restates some of the themes and ideas that were taught earlier in the short film.
Well, yeah, anyone can. That doesn't mean that anyone should.
Oh, no. We're going to be late. And on the first day!
Skinner as Dwayne LaFontant
If you are hungry, go up and look around, Remy.
The Cherry Slurpee! Where is the Cherry Slurpee? out of my way you asshole.
I Hate Norrie so much
Lets check back in with some ...
Patton Oswalt as Remy
No brother of mine eats rejectamenta in my town.
how honored I am to be studying under such uhh...
Get out.
Rio - Meet the Luiz Scene (Castellano Spanish) ! I hope you like It! Rio (C) Blue Sky Studios Right Now & That’s It!
Mark my words. The whole thing is highly suspect.
Like maybe...
why don't you ever watch Dora the Explorer, and Bubble Guppies, then why aren't you watching on Nick Jr Turn it off when your not watching it
Highly suspect
- Skinner how dare you drowned Linguini? you know you're not supposed to drowned Linguini! that's it! You're grounded forever! - But I didn't mean to drown him!
Bottoms up, Linguini!
Linguini is the son of Auguste Gusteau and Renata Linguini. He knows nothings about cooking, which can be seen from the many Chinese take-out cartons in refrigerator and his lack of cooking skills and knowledge.
- Because I love you...r advice. - But...
has made his competitors envious.
Why do you have to find another business where you got to? Just go to Click everywhere when you want to go online, just add to make the online website, on
How did you do that?
Got it?
Oh, you do? Okay then. Let's go inside Domino's.
Get out!. Get out!.
- You can't fire him. - What?
Shark Tale (2004)
The magic railroad
OCtober 2007
Yeah. It’s lightning-y! Oh, we got to do that again.
Almost Naked Animals Howie Duck Octo Bunny Sloth Piggy Narwhal Poodle Batty
I don’t like Halloween End I LOVE IT
bein en enfer. maintenant, recreez la soupe
The plan: Prevent all turkeys from ever becoming holiday dinners. Unfortunately, the two birds encounter colonist Myles Standish, out to capture feathered friends for all the hungry Pilgrims.
You better eject the disc out right now! or else I will kill you!
Linguini, get something to trap it! It's getting away! Get Flint.
Plus over 200 pages of printable teaching resources like picture cards and activity sheets.
I don’t like secrets.
Just pull out an old Gusteau recipe,
Do you know what you would like this evening, sir?
Thanks, Little Chef.
But not everyone celebrates its success. Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook! What's even more amusing is that Gusteau actually seems to believe it. I, on the other hand, take cooking seriously. And,
He's toying with my mind like a Lorax of... Something.
But I am hungry.
Oops hehe
Po Po Po Po Power with BEARGLOVE!!!
co-produce and distribute feature films Together, they produced two films; Arthur Christmas (2011), and The Pirates! Band of Misfits (2012), which was SPA's first stop-motion film
- Sorry, Chef. - The Bad Guy! It's stolen my documents! Aaah!
Why is Horst getting mad at Linguini? Because he couldn't make his own recipe.
monsieur. i have the information. if someone cancels. i'll slot you in
No, my OTHER left!
#20, Wow Wow Wubbzy
It's dangerous!
Two years after Gusteau died, Alfredo Linguini came to work their as a plongeur (garbage boy). On his first night, he ruined a soup that was cooking by accidentally spilling it and then repairing it with random ingredients. Remy was there that night and, noticing Linguini's actions,
I don’t know where I am,
- It's getting away! - Hey, Mr. Chef!
You might think you are a chef but you a are still only a tiger.
- Chto skazal zakazchik? - Eto byl ne kliyent. Eto byl kritik.
Mark my words. The whole thing is highly suspect! Highly Suspect?
i will return tomorrow night with high expectations.
es un chico de la basura que hizo algo que le gusto
Elliot, please, not another one of your escape plans.
Later, Gusteau's was closed down due to rats in the kitchen, but Colette has found cooking at a new Parisian bistro, along with Linguini and Remy, with Ego as a patron and queues stretching around the block.
He also happens to be the leader of our clan.
This much I knew:
Train? All right.
Skinner discovers (The Rat) in Linguini's Hat
Am I seeing things, am i crazy? is there a phantom asshole or is there not?
Uh-oh! Couldn't sign you in! You're trying to sign in on a device Google doesn't recognize, and we don't have enough information to verify that it's you. For your protection, you can't sign in here right now. Try again later or sign in from a different device.
For taking it.
Me to my cousins Them:
The tarantula! I saw it!
#24 is Bee Movie
I Wanna watch my lunatic dad
Ratatouille French
the best food in the world is made in france
...And finding someone to replace you for poison checker has been a disaster.
Get out! Get out!
Linguini enters the kitchen and approaches Remy. As Linguini attempts to apologize, the rats, including Emile, overhear him, to which Emile attempts to eat the last grape, but he falls on the floor while the cheese that Emile is standing on falls on him,
We have a breaking news from this weekend, Skinner and the health inspector sets Linguini's station on fire at Gusteau's Restaurant. all of the chefs need to get out of Gusteau's restaurant. Just take a look at Linguini's station go burnt. Skinner and the health inspecter gets sent to jail for setting Linguini's station on fire.
It stole my documents.
- Get out of my office. - He's not in your office. You are in his.
S*** is a word considered to be vulgar and profane in Modern English. As a noun, it refers to fecal matter, and as a verb it means to defecate; in the plural.
walt disney pictures presents the kleiners (2003)
Brother Bear Brother Bear 2
Watch out world!) Miss Kay Asbury is ready to make your nigger guy.
F-E-D-R-I-D-F-R-I-D! Fedridfrid!
Brad Bird talks about deleted scene "Meet Gusteau" Part 2 of the bonus disc!
probably forever.
Linguini gives the pink envelope to Skinner
exterminate the monster exterminate
walt Disney pictures pictures a Pixar animation studios pictures pictures
but must arrive on the customer's table
Get my lawyer!
Colette returns (after remembering Gusteau's motto: "Anyone can cook") and Linguini, feeling hope, starts waiting the tables expertly on roller-skates. Linguini serves Ego the ratatouille Remy has prepared for him. The meal takes Ego back to his childhood,
What's my problem?
Ratatouille Clip 9
so this is when skinner gave linguini some speech so then skinner wants to make him some soup
Well, we have to help him do everything. We have to help him eat, to get clean.
Skinner tells Remy to create a new line of Frozen Foods
Please, take all of the time you need.
Is Handy Manny looks like Video Brinquedo? YES YES YES YES YES YES!!!!!!
- But still I'm here. How did this happen?
There. I put some sunscreen on your back so you don't want to get burned, okay? (Remy nods)
keep your station clear. or i will slap you
Who cooked the other future and eternity ratatouille?! I demand to remember who cooked that! Who cooked the other future and eternity ratatouille?! I demand to remember who cooked that!
The dumpling soup! Where is the dumpling soup? Out of my way.
This is not gonna work, little feet.
which stuck The film marks the first Pixar feature to not be directed by Lasseter instead being helmed by Docter, as well as Lee Unkrich and David Silverman who served as co-directors
Lizzie McGuire
Am I seeing things, am I crazy. Is there a phantom rat or is there not.
Surf's Up (2007)
Nigga Hi
- What else do you have? - You gotta have something else. - Well, we have a very nice gras.
WHO COOKED THE RATATOUILLE?! I DEMAND TO KNOOOOOOOOOOOO- Piracy is not a chef! this dvd of ratatouille is a pirated copy! please eject this dvd and buy a real copy, or else skinner will sabotage you! go to for more info
- Tiger! - Get the tiger
Rule#15. Linguini had a nightmare on his bad dreams
Jhelum le ka mafief ke quazrora
You know, I-I've never disappointed anyone before,
Ratatouille 2007 Alternate Cast: Remy Is Voiced By Ryan Reynolds: Emile Is Voiced By Will Smith: Chef Skinner Is Voiced By Tom Kenny: Alfredo Linguini Is Voiced By Jack Black:
Then make it come to you again, yah? Ni gasa gasa gasa gasa gasa!
I'm suddenly a Gusteau.
Well, the truth sounds insane sometimes.
- Did you taste it? - Yah, of course Count Dooku, before he ruined it with a lightsaber.
You need only be aware to stop and savor it.
Zero! No! He's been killed! Who could do this?
think i need a ginger ale. that was such an epic fail
Appetite is coming, and He's going to have a big Ego!
First of all, we are not thieves.
Get out of thy future and eternity office!. He's not in your office. You are in his. Get out of thy future and eternity office!. He's not in your office. You are in his.
I’m brewing one up as we speak, guys. I’ll keep you posted.
The tiger! I saw it!
Is It Just Me, Or does this guy's voice sound like Hitler Speaking English.
Discover Chuggington: All Aboard!
Directo al infierno por p*ta
You're watching Martha Speeks on PBS Kids
Go clean your room! No, it's my room.
Is the rat important.
i'll have your guts out
Stop Making Noises. *Or i will kill you!*
Gusteau had no children, and what of the timing of all this?
What's taking those kids so long?
I hate 689Youtube, and 355Gay
Linguini is stupid Hahahahaha
We must live carefully.
- Taunting me with that Bee. - Bee?
He's toying with my future and eternity mind like a future and eternity cat with a future and eternity ball of... something!. He's toying with my future and eternity \mind like a future and eternity cat with a future and eternity ball of... something!.
It's your show, do something!
He's toying with my mind like the anime character of... Something.
Ratatouille The Paper Chase Scene Sparta Excution Remix
Chef Skinner is shown to be very cunning, avaricious, deceitful, unrelenting and wrathful. When he discovers Remy is the brains behind Linguini's tasty recipes he decides to capture Remy and force him to create his frozen foods for him.
Ratatouille? They must be joking.
and slips a hand into her bag for a canister of mace. Remy desperately makes Linguini fall onto Colette to prevent him from talking further and the two kiss. Colette is equally surprised as Linguini but quickly falls in love, dropping the mace.
- Have you had a pet rat? - No.
now go on! get out! and stay out!
Oh, him? He’s nobody.
This is, This is the recipe.
Get out of my future and eternity office!. He's not in your office. You are in his. Get out of my future and eternity office!. He's not in your office. You are in his.
I was reminded how fragile it all was.
So I'm not crazy!. Ha!. So I'm not crazy!. Ha!.
But we're supposed to return to the colony
Ice, you are a sneaky, overreaching little...
The key is to keep turning it.
skinner bundled up in a well-tailored overcoat. throws a scarf around his neck linguini tipsily hands him his beret
Skinner attempts to ruin Linguini by forcing a recipe (one that even Gusteau thought was disaster) on him, which Remy modifies, making it an instant success
And you must not let anyone define your limits
He ruined it with a lightsaber as it was going out the door!
Whoa! Well, because you...
- Finally closing, is it? - No.
How did you do that?
- Let me through! let me through! - The book.
zootopia john c reily is Ralph and Eddie
Po Po Po Po Power with BEARGLOVE!!!
Skinner how dare you drowned Linguini? you know you're not supposed to drowned Linguini! that's it! You're grounded forever! But I didn't mean to drown him!
That's so wonderful!. That's so wonderful!.
Whoa... a...
May 21 2007
oye porque lo llaman asi que
Whatever you did, they liked it.
Look at the tiles on the floor... they're squares!
- Taunting me with that snake. - Snake?
Then what was all the flipping and all the throwing the...
Oh no! It's Ratatatatatatatatatatatatatata Ratatouille!
I think she hoped it would help me,
The chefs but the truth.
C'est la panique
- Taunting me with that Sloth. - Sloth?
Who cooked the ratatouille?! I demand to know!
Ratatouille Clip 9
Maybe Gusteau in overalls and Huckleberry Tom hat.
#16. Old and new Friends
Goodbye, junk food! And hello... health! What? Oh my god, you're so tall. You look like a giraffe.
- More financial trouble? - No, it's...
What's My Problem What's My Problem
this meme is so funny
DON'T TOUCH HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- piracy isn't a chef! this dvd of Ratatouille is a pirated copy! please eject this dvd and buy a real copy, or else the chefs will get you! go to for more info
Me when I eat my food
Team five, grill. Team six, sauces. Get to your stations. Let's go, go, go!
ratatoullie Sound Design re-make
Ratatouille. coming up on Freeform
Because the first time it came back identified as rondent hair. Rodent hair?
Anyone else, hmm?
Italian, eh?
And what we're stealing is, let's face it, garbage.
Well, the will stipulates
Luan Loud did you cook the ratatouile
Team five, grill. Team six, sauces. Get to your stations. Let's go, go, go!
Gusteau is dead?
Am I seeing things, am I crazy? Is there a phantom Remy or is there not?
Uh... waiter.
Bald kid gets slapped in the back of the head (2018)
Look, I'm no good with omnidroids. I'm no good about Gazerbeam either.
and, no, i don't think anyone can do it.
Fiat pound sponsor of sesame street
Turn Around There's Spider-Man Over There
We-we gotta cook this.
#72: Team Umizoomi
Oh, The usual, dogs, cats, horses, guinea pigs, foxes, piranhas, sharks, tarantulas, snakes, wolves, monkeys, penguins, hippos, giraffes, zebras, lions, ponies, unicorns, pegasi, ogre, bears, dragons,
So let's do this thing!
Stoick the Vast's restaurant lost one of its five stars
and I don’t know when I'll find food again.
#39: Thomas and friends go go Thomas
i thought
- What Did You Tell Them? - I Told You From Sir Topham Hatt!
Yes, yes, yes. Have some more wine.
Hey! Where did the boyfriend go?
L'ecso - főzési tanácsok
Yo mama so fat Even Kirby can't eat her!
This is one of my favorite kids TV Show is Arthur, one of my favorite kids TV Show My favorite kids TV Channel on PBS Kids.
When Remy learns this revelation, he steals the documents but in return is chased by Skinner. Remy climbs aboard a boat but Skinner refuses to lose and pursues Remy boat by boat ending with Skinner accidentally falling into the canal when jumping between 2 boats;
From the creators of. Shrek. And Kung Fu Panda!
Ratatouille French
What are you so worried about?
But I realize only now do I truly understand what he meant.
Is the rat important?
- Taunting me with that Turkey. - Turkey?
I've been working very hard for very long to get here for some days I've been working very hard for very long to get here for some days
Opening Ratatouille 2007 Blu-ray
You've never failed me, and I should never forget that.
How do you tell how good bread is without tasting it?
Mighty Math Powers is Team Umizoomi's main theme song that has been used throughout the first season.
# 400 Open season
I just dropped my keys
How did you find out?
Any son of Renata's is more than...
May 25th 2020
Ratatouille closing
Hannfra-Barberat Hanna-Barbera
We don't leave our nests. We make them bigger.
...tell Dad to bring the whole clan.
Get Out! You and all your flip buddies!
How did you do that?
#25, Bubble Guppies
Move it, GTA boy!
Chef! Chef! Chef Linguini!
- Wolf! - Get the wolf!
Get the bridge up! Move it, move it!
#48: Reid Middle School
#6: Little Bear
Listen, I just want you to know
Linguini is using Explicit words
(MOANIMG) (MUNCHING) Ohh... You got to taste this!
I can't fire him. He's getting attention.
Don't mess with my mise!
got to get some of that spice
Po Po Po Po Power with BEARGLOVE!!!
Mr. Boyardee."
Ooh... wh.. uh...
Wario and friends die during an anime girl outbreak in an Umbrella Corporation lab.mp3 Songs used Elevate This - Little Big Planet 2:
Ron's Gone Wrong (2021)
You tell us what to do, and we'll get it done.
i see a fox i'm going to hide in my shell
He’s stealing Xbox one games! And nobody’s noticing?!
well uh
First of all, I’m a rat.
Give my compliments to the chef.
Cena 09: Linguini descobre Remy
okay little chef. We’re at Wendy’s ready for some frinch fries? (whimpers)
GEICO, 15 Minutes Could Save Our 15% or More.
#47: Avatar: The Last Airbender
And his dazzling ascent to the top of fine French cuisine
June 29 2020
Every second counts, and you cannot be Mommy!
LINGUINIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII- piracy is no soup! this dvd of ratatouille is a pirated copy! please eject your dvd and buy a real copy, or else skinner will kick you out! go to for more info
the entire clan's gonna be after me with their mouths open and uh...
Gen Z Film/Disney & Pixar Animation Film) Gen Z Are Born 1995-2012
Linoooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo! Lino!
- What did the customer say? - It was not a customer. It was a critic.
Oh, please. I'm sick of pretending. I pretend to be a rat for my father.
That's big. What did he say?
Is everybody here? Do we have everybody?
#20, Barnyard
Oh, the usual, Cats, dogs, horses, guinea pigs... rats.
Turkeys Learn How To Time Travel & Rewrite History To Prevent Extinction
It was his job to be unexpected. it is our job to...
# 600 Flushed away
You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices!
i know what the will stipulates
And you're thin for someone who likes Chips Ahoy!
You're the one who was getting fancy with the spices!
Noble? We-we’re thieves, Dad.
am i looking things. am i crazy. is there a flying asshole or is there not
This is me.
Ratatouille closing
And, no, I don't think, anyone, can do it.
And what belief is that, Mademoiselle Tatou?
so we got to do it together, right? You with me?
Get out of my future and eternity office!. He's not in your office. You are in his. Get out of my future and eternity office!. He's not in your office. You are in his.
Am I seeing things, am I crazy? Is there a phantom rat or is there not?
HOW fucking dare you cook in my kitchen
toxic bbc radio 2 was bohpa bohpa bohpa bohpa's boowowoeojbmnbobopups weragssafetiogiigigig bohiiuooeppeproohooweoyououppering wasen't it? it was! and to this day it still is!
Uh, Hey. What are we watching We are watching Astro Boy (2009).
Memeatouille Memeatouille
Napoleon was actually of average height for his era, if not even slightly taller than normal).
The boy knows! The boy knows!
Yeah, I, I, know about the foie gras.
#30: PJ Masks
He's toying with my mind like a Snake of... Something.
I’ve been down here a million times.
HORST: It's getting away. Get it, get it, get it.
Now is your chance to try something worthy of your talent, Linguini.
- In fact... - Yeah.
dawsa butlerx (1916-1988)
Linguini, get something to trap it! HORST: It's getting away.
Rule#1. Please Make Incredibles 3
Do you like canines?
Sick Rat
- It's getting away! - Hey, Mr. Chef!
Something definitely off menu, hmm?
I Know You See Me Looking At You When You Already Know I Wanna Die In Hell You Already Know I Wanna Die In Hell You Already Know
he's playing with my mind like a fish with a bowl of. something
Oh! Uh...
ArielBenabou2001 You're fired!
Eminem right over there, who was age 47
Skinner as Dwayne LaFontant
We're here.
- Oh, that guy. - Very good.
Stop that future and eternity soup!. Stop that future and eternity soup!.
He's toying with my mind like a Alfredo Linguini of... Something.
mcdjnerrj4gkcerjhrkmrjgtkdljgm mkjrneekwjkekerjtgrkrjtg5krjtgkrg
Take It Away From Here, Far Away , Kill It Dispose Of It, Go!
What can I do? I am a figment of your imagination.
RATATOUILLE - Remy experiencing food as colour, shape and sou
i wanted you to succeed. i. i liked
finally closing. is it no
That's good. Wha-what did you put in this?
And don't come back EVER AGAIN, YOU PEST!!
Jeanne Garofalo as Colette
maybe… maybe with a few drops from this sweet grass.
I just dropped my keys, hehe...
February 16, 2008
TV the puzzler queen bee should have the right Gusteau for that the mother of mother and stepfather.
Dont! Tuhch Him.
Okay, I said not to. I told him... He goes and blabs to...
Amusing title, Anyone Can Cook! What's even more is amusing that Gusteau actually seems to believe it. I, on the other hand, take coking seriously. And, no, I don't think anyone can do it.
He's toying with my mind like a Lino of... Something.
This is one of my favorite kids TV Show is Turbo Dogs. one of my favorite kids TV Show My favorite kids TV Channel on CBC Kids.
What Are You Playing At?!?!
I don’t want to constantly have to wash my paws.
They think you might be a cook. But you know what I think, Linguini?
For taking it.
And, no, I don't think anyone can do it.
Ratatouille French
Robots - fender under fire
Am I seeing things, am I crazy? Is there a phantom Elliot or is there not?
We have a breaking news from this weekend. Gusteau's Restaurant is closed due to a fire inside of a restaurant. Gusteau's Restaurant announced that this Restaurant is turned into a department store. Skinner and the Health Inspector are in prison for setting Linguini's station on fire.
Uh, Hey. What are we watching? We are watching Cloudy with a Chance of Meatballs.
Skinner has Linguini make Gusteau's failed recipe "sweet bread a la gusteau" to bring him down, but Remy succeeds in fixing the recipe and adjusting the sauce, causing the customers to love the dish and enhancing the restaurant's reputation.
You know how to cook, and I know how to appear uh...
Ah, I'Aquila saffron. Italian. Huh?
Welcome to hell. Now, recreate the soup.
Linguini. Get something to trap it.
There's no resemblance at all. He is not Michael Jackson's son.
There are possibilities unexplored here.
But it was not to last.
Move it, Mark Zuckerburg boy!
am i looking things. am i crazy. is there a phantom asshole or is there not
Ratatouille French
You must try things that may not work.
However, he has shown skills at skating, which helped him become a waiter when Remy and Colette were cooking the night Anton Ego was going to critique their restaurant. and later as the waiter for his and Remy's restaurant La Ratatouille.
#25: Bob the builder
Please like and Subscribe
That's good. Wha-what did you put in this?
Let's put the pizza in the oven Two more eggs
- He's a garbage boy. - Who made something she liked.
#3: Jack's Big Music Show
She claims she never told him, or Gusteau, and asks that I not tell.
Gusteau does not appear again after Remy's kidnapping, Despite the eventual closing of his restaurant due to a rat infestation; however, his legacy lives on in Linguini and Remy, as they continue to cook astounding meals in a new restaurant appropriately named La Ratatouille.
Taunting thee with that future and eternity rat!. Rat? Taunting thee with that future and eternity rat!. Rat?
He's toying with my mind like a Roblox Noob of... Something...
Let us toast your non-idiocy.
I should have you drawn and quartered! I...i...i...
No! No! The piranha!
Yup That me
Linguini & Colette are having a great couple
Maybe Gusteau in his naked body.
This is very bad juju right here.
Anyone can cook in their favorite manners. Anyone can cook in their favorite manners.
yes. how are you. linguini
Peter Sohn as Emile
Come on. Reach for it.
Uh, Hey. What are we watching? We are watching The Loud House.
By early-February 1997, Docter had drafted a treatment together with Harley Jessup, Jill Culton, and Jeff Pidgeon that bore some resemblance to the final film. Docter pitched the story to Disney with some initial artwork on February 4 that year
Look, I'm no good with words. I'm no good with food either.
Ydg Ydg
Linguini starts to become successful as a cook; as his dishes guided by Remy prove to be enormously successful at the restaurant. Skinner becomes suspicious when he sees Linguini interacting with Remy in split-second encounters. He attempts to get Linguini drunk so he can reveal how Remy is connected to him,
Ed Long hit $5,000 and a spin on his next spin and did it again on the spin after that, he hit a second red guy with his final spin.
You stupid