Tasty Mystery Baskets of Clips
Please stop that. I think you're ill.
We're leaving in less than an hour.
BAGLEY: I don't want to go back in there.
Just thought you might be interested in a little light rabbit to while the time away.
If you look at the market research...
- Paddington drug orgy. - Huh.
They're turning rainforests into deserts.
Come upstairs and put something on.
All right, me. It was me. But I was ill.
I think you're probably right. Not now, Sheila.
I know exactly what I'm doing now.
- Try massaging your temples. - I've got to give them a date.
It'll all be over in the morning.
I don't approve of its rejection. I can no longer tolerate it.
- There. All done. All done. - (GROANING)
(SIGHS) All right, I'll get you one. But on one condition.
she who fills her basket.
- You're being completely irrational. - Irrational?
- Sensational. - Can you give me a verbal peek?
We could leave in a week or so.
Oh, Christ, I think I've woken him up. I'll have to be quick.
- I can't. I've got to see Bristol. - You're not gonna be much use.
Nobody ever remembers a late delivery, Richard. They only remember a bad one.
And by Christ, Bagley, did I sell some radiators.
BAGLEY: Oh, Julia. Julia, darling.
Things like that are always happening
They're gonna get it bigger and brighter and better!
Good God, this is a madman!
And this is its poisonous mouthpiece.
Even if it says something that might be of relevance?
You lose. You lose.
That isn't the real world.
She uses 16 feet six inches of toilet tissue a week
You need something tough.
(SNIFFS) I know that smell. Givenchy.
to come roaring across the desert and attack them from behind.
and people with names like Barbara Simmons.
All you've got to do is bugger something up,
You're totally worn out, both physically and emotionally.
- See? She's a meat-eating vegan. - I do not eat meat!
but I've been worried sick about boils for a fortnight.
This gas-fired business had penetrated so deeply into my subconscious,
Anyway. That's not actually what I wanted to talk about.
Oh! You don't have to hold me quite so tightly, Dennis.
- Do you mind? - The tits were spread with peanut butter!
BOIL: Mmm. Smells good.
I hardly see a pork pie's got anything to do with it.
♪ I'm not trying to cause a big sensation
The side that sells toothpaste and soap.
You have to do your best to get him there.
'Ere, you know why I grew it? Big Granddad.
Roads represent a fundamental right of man
All right, I'll get you one, but on one condition.
in exactly the same way as the Arabs fix the price for oil.
I know this must be all sort of upsetting for you, darling,
I only want one. I don't smoke.
I looked at it in the bathroom mirror, and it spoke to me!
"and we packed this shit into every tube.
That's right, you cynical bastard.
- I'm talking to it. - I need a cigarette.
- You're not really trying, you know. - Trying what?
Perhaps. But now, let's have a look at this bully on your neck.
There's a splendid example of what he's talking about outside our building.
I've had an octopus squatting on my brain for a fortnight,
And I know Mrs, Wallace, God bless her, has noticed it too.
And that is its health-giving ingredient we will sell.
- BAGLEY: Help! Help! Help! Help! Help! - (BOIL GRUNTING)
Pork pies, turnips, oven parts.
we also encourage her to reward herself with little treats,
Clearly, we are looking for a label.
- Hello, Penny. Lovely party. - Super.
which I'm afraid I don't have time to go into now.
You've given it the side that you find intolerable,
- And not in that order. - But you've always adored fucking.
Once we get it out into the open, it'll be easier to fight.
I'm not an expert in these things, Julia.
Just tell me how a boil
I'm completing a process of natural selection.
What would you do?
You've got to remember, as far as he's concerned, I wouldn't be lancing it.
And whee!
- I hope you told him I was out. - Yes, Mr Bagley. You were out.
"But at night, I'm a woman,
I'll do everything I can to harm you!
♪ Talkin' about my generation ♪ This is my generation